(11), There will be [only] three discomforts:26 the need [to relieve oneself], hunger, and old age.27 Girls will be married when they reach 500 years of age. Patajali and the Beginnings of Dharmastra: An Alternative Social History of Early Dharmastra Production. In. 23) = seized, filled, taken possession of, encompassed, 23). So the translation arms has been used as the unit of measurement, and the numbers have been doubled. 107 (AMV 20). It is equated with the Indian subcontinent, which for Indians of the Buddhas time was the, . These will be pacified Hearers whose minds are pacified. I will not visit [this world] again. The Prophecy of Maitreyas overall message for lay people is that through faith in the Buddha (and his doctrine) one will be reborn in that time of Maitreya and therein achieve enlightenment. [107], Therefore, those who, here and now, are desirous of emancipation173 and long for magnanimity174 should remember the teachings of the Buddha and make the good doctrine their teacher. 158 (AMV 28), (LH 990.3, NT 969.1). One of the earliest mention of Maitreya is a Sanskrit text, the "Maitreya-vyakarana" ("The Prophecy of Maitreya") stating that gods, men and other beings will worship Maitreya and will lose their doubts, and the torrents of their cravings will be cut off: "Free from all misery, they . Lvi, Sylvain. 111 (AMV 21). (29), Now having having died and fallen52 from [the company of] those in Tuita [heaven],53 Maitreya, the best of persons, will securely bridge the transition between lives54 [by entering] into the womb of that woman. Moreover there will be pools in that city filled with blue lotuses and white water-lilies, and there will be marvelous parks and forests. 78 (AMV 15), reading for , with abundance. He waits in the Tusita heaven for the moment he is to appear on earth as the Buddha of the fifth world cycle. The Sanskrit verb is an unconventional future form of - to scatter. For a brief but interesting discussion of the historical significance of the uposatha, see Sukumar Dutt, Buddhist Monks and Monasteries of India, 104-106. The whole three realms. MW Monier-Williams, Sanskrit Dictionary. The Maitreya Prophecy. 126The next verse found only in edition B clearly returns to the third person, thus signifying the end of Maitreyas speech, as is made clear in the Tibetan. 8Jeremy Norman, The Gilgit Manuscripts, the Oldest Manuscript Collection Surviving in Pakistan and India, https://www.historyofinformation.com/detail.php?id=4213 (Accessed February 14, 2021). "Prophet Muhammad was asked who were the people of God referred to as 'another people,' who were to replace the Arabs. Surrounded by the 84,000 [hearers of Maitreyas sermon], the leader of men will go forth. Edition A also returns to the third person in its next verse 78. 59 (AMV 12), (LH 982.6; NT 962.3). Edgerton, Franklin. 173 (AMV 30), (LH 991.3). 2 . In , Narthang, 74:96071. 4806 of the Asiatic Society, Calcutta. 156The way of a priest (brahmacarya, , ) refers to religious practitioners in India who have renounced the world, practicing chastity, continence, and study the scriptures. I am parsing this as a continuative plus , which seems to be supported by the Tibetan: (LH 987.2, NT 966.3). ), whereas to our modern secular ears the word doctrine connotes more of a dogmatic rule than a true description of reality. Review of Matsumoto Bunzabur, Miroku Jdo Ron (Etude de La Terre-Pure de Maitreya). Bulletin de lcole Franaise dExtrme-Orient 11 (1911): 43957. Rising and falling [according to ones needs], Sweet and fragrant rice will grow that requires no cultivation. The difference here in. 138 (lit. The Tibetan ends the previous verse about practicing the eight-limbed upoadha vows with you have approached my teachings and clearly ends the quote. Avadna known as prophecy or revelation. The Lions Roar on the Turning of the Wheel Discourse (cakkavatti-shanda-sutta) in Maurice Wallace, tr., Thus Have I Heard: The Long Discourses of the Buddha (London: Wisdom Publications, 1987), p. 403. The last word is also uncertain. Lvis transcription (386, v. 56) does not have this extra word. Given the breadth of their knowledge and their agreement, they are most likely correct. (82) [25], Then, when a hundred sages cast saffron flowers his , there will be wonders, belief, and matters of great significance.134 Mandra flowers135 will rain down there in that best of cities, and the gods will strew [flowers]136 over that sage who has come to the city. Tibetan has (LH 984.3, NT 963.6). Though, these predictions were made more than 5,000 years ago by Lord Krishna, but they appear to be so accurate that you can't deny any of it. . I bow to you, highest of beings!149 O your eminence,150 you who are the pinnacle of men, have compassion on the community! (92), At that point Mra, son of the gods, with his great magical powers, will be there. This and the following verse are missing from the Tibetan. One recent translation is: Avaghoa and Patrick Olivelle, Life of the Buddha, Clay Sanskrit library (New York: New York University Press, JJC Foundation, 2008), https://hdl.handle.net/2027/mdp.39015077136920?urlappend=%3Bsignon=swle:urn:mace:incommon:virginia.edu. In the Formless Realm, one no longer even has a body, because, has achieved one of four even more rarified meditative stabilizations. Winternitz cites in a note on that page that the name of the author is found only in the Tokharian and Uigurian fragments of the text. 63 (AMV 13), (LH 983.2, NT 962.5). Based on the Tibetan, it seems the verb is causative future with an unmodified root vowel, and the should really be , making outflows in the accusative plural or the object of the cause. A daughter of an Asura, a semi-divine being that can be either malevolent or benevolent, ac became the wife of Indra when he slew her father. 11The Shaivite and Vaiavite movements were just beginning to emerge and gain popularity at the beginning of the Common Era, but when The Prophecy of Maitreya was written, these small cults had nowhere near the dominance they would come to have centuries later. The Tibetan has: (LH 985.3; NT 964.5), which translates simply seeing the excellent beings.. The Sanskrit translates literally as Lord of aid/might (ac), while the Tibetan translates as Lord of bliss and so forth. over the earth up to the confines of the ocean; and he will make the Dharma prevail. After this one, Conze skips the next fourteen verses and resumes his translation with verse 91. Furthermore, I have done it in isolation without consultation of other scholars from any of these traditions. 36 (AMV 8; LH 980.7; NT 960.4) Literally, cymbals with five branches/parts.. Lvi (p. 396) has: In his path, they will make the ground as soft as cotton and cotton-padding, and they will spread in his way a variety of garlands (sur son chemin rendront le sol aussi doux que le coton et la ouate, et ils rpandront sur sa route des guirlandes varies). Maitreya is commonly considered to be the next Buddha to come to this world and has been the focus of an extensive cult throughout Asia at various times. Predictions about the Emerge of Maitreya. She will be beautiful, gracious, charming, and popular. Having first performed a sacrifice, he will offer it to the twice-born.81 (49), And82 upon his bestowing of the charming, bejeweled sacrificial post to them, [LH 985] the thousands of Brhmaas will immediately divided it [among themselves].83 (50), And having seen this transitoriness of the sacrificial post, Maitreya will contemplate the whole of cyclic existence, and he will long to go forth from home [in renunciation]. loan words in English. See note 43 for further details. The narrative however does participate in the glorification of the Buddha that had become common-place by the early days of the Great Vehicle. 120The Tibetan has having worshipped the stpas of kyamuni by sprinkling saffron water and rubbing sandalwood. 22, (AMV 4). AMV (7) has , *. Sariputra, the great general of the doctrine, most wise and resplendent, from compassion for the world asked the Lord: 'Some time ago you have spoken to us of the future Buddha, who will lead the world at a future . The prophecy concerning Maitreya Buddha (translated by Edward Conze in his Buddhist Scriptures (Penguin Books, 1959), from page 238. The closest Tibetan words to are either which means to split or which means To make laugh, smile.. In neither case can I make sense of the continuative. For the online Sanskrit reference see Than Grove, https://pages.shanti.virginia.edu/Sanskrit_Language_Tools/ (accessed February 14, 2021). According to scriptures . This can also be translated I prophesy.. It will indeed be 12 yojanas long and 7 yojanas wide. of the sky celestial clothes and flowers will fall. 71 (AMV 14), (LH 983.7, NT 963.3). Publications de lInstitut Orientaliste de Louvain. Patajali and the Beginnings of Dharmastra: An Alternative Social History of Early Dharmastra Production. In Aux Abords de La Clairire: tudes Indiennes et Compares En lHonneur de Charles Malamoud, by Silvia DIntino and Caterina Guenzi, Vol. New Delhi: Oriental Books Reprint, 1972. http://search.lib.virginia.edu/catalog/u633247. 16According to Lvi, Yijings Chinese version adds here a more elaborate description that follows the typical Stra formula, [riputra] rose from his seat, covered his right shoulder, kneeled on his right knee, joined his hands together and spoke, I would like to ask you a question. Puka. The account of Maitreyas prophecy, as we have it, clearly presents Buddhism as a superior alternative for the lay-person to the dominant Brahmic religion. (14), It will have a wall made of seven jewels, as tall as sound will travel,32 whose turrets33 and gates will actually be decorated with various jewels. Gautama grows suspicious, returns, and catches them in the act. (70), Because you have given to the Sangha118 gifts of clothes, food and drink, and various cures for the weary, you have indeed come into my teachings.119 (71), Having sprinkled saffron water and rubbed sandalwood paste on the stpas of the sage of the kyas, you have indeed come into my teachings.120 (72) [23], It is because you placed your vows in the teachings of the Lion of the kya clan and have in fact thoroughly guarded them that you have indeed come into my teachings.121 (73), You have spent the noble, auspicious, eight-limbed upoadha days122 fasting, on the 14th, the 15th and likewise the 8th of the month, and moreover you were very focused on the eight-limbed [upoadha vows] during the Miraculous fortnight.123 (74) [LH 988] [NT 967], Having accepted the well-obtained precepts and the teachings, those beings have gone to the teachings, and you beings have gone [for refuge] to the Buddha, the teaching, and the community, and because of performing that meritorious deed, you have approached my teachings.124 (75), You beings are impelled by that, and so you have met with me. The Occult Nineteenth Century: Roots, Developments, and Impact on the Modern World, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 195-220. . Delhi: Sri Satguru Publications, 1984. http://search.lib.virginia.edu/catalog/u2451526. one may argue that "prophecy," in his case, evidently "failed," for Creme time and again indicated that he . Numbers in brackets, Bracketed page with sigla represent the Tibetan versions: LH being the Lhasa edition and. Numbers in brackets without a sigla represent the page number from that same edition. This is seen when the . Maitreyas disillusionment with the world also takes a different form. However, Nakamura also equates the two. See Whitney. Jambudvpa is considered to be India, where the Jambu Tree, also known as Rose Apple or Syzygium jambos, grows. The printed text has: and the digital version has (http://www.dsbcproject.org/canon-text/content/415/1880 accessed May 8, 2018). B enjamin Creme did not live to see Maitreya reveal himself to the world. As with Siddhrtha, Maitreyas future mother will have an idyllic pregnancy, and, while she holds a branch of a tree, the baby will emerge from her side to avoid the crud of birth. Jambudvpa (the continent of Jambu [trees]) is one of the four main continents surrounding Mount Meru. The warriors shall march under the banner of Maitreya.' - The prophecy of Shambala ( Buddhist, BEF 700 CE ) 'Drought, famine, disease and war will sweep the world.. Nation will fight nations, and the larger will devour the smaller. 7. rya Maitreya-Vykaranam. These texts describe a grandiose vision of the Buddhist cosmos that is full of an inestimable number of Buddhas and saints, replete with miracles, and populated by untold hosts of non-human beings. (83), And [then] the four great kings137 and akra, lord of the thirty-three,138 [and] Brahm along with [his] host of gods will ceremonially worship him.139 (84) [NT 968], Blue lotuses, white water-lilies, lotuses, sweet-smelling white lotuses, aloe-wood [flowers], and [LH 989] sandalwood [flowers] and also heavenly garlands will fall.140 (85) [26], The sons of the gods possessing great magical powers will create a [welcome] carpet141 upon seeing the Protector of the World entering the best of cities. I have decided to retranslate it mainly in order to refresh and practice my woefully inadequate knowledge of Sanskrit but also with the motivation to provide a full, fresh English translation of this treatise for faith-based Buddhism. In some Buddhist literature, such as the Amitabha Sutra and the Lotus Sutra, the being is referred to as Ajita. Edition A has (Lvi 389, v. 94). Assis au pied de cet arbre, Maitreya, le meilleur des bipdes, arrivera lIllumination totale et insurpassable; pas de doute l-dessus!). (79), His second congregation will be a full 940 million Hearers. LH (981.2) has . Springfield, VA: Nataraj Books, 2010. Full references are listed in the Bibliography. Instead of the four signs of suffering and release that inspires Siddhrtha to renounce his home, the future Maitreya is disillusioned by the sundering of the sacrificial post (verses 50-51). 74 (), 982-996 (BDRC W26071, digital copy accessed June 1, 2018: https://www.tbrc.org/#library_work_ViewByOutline-O1PD110161PD11461%7CW26071) and in bKa gyur (Narthang), vol. Maitreya is allegedly a bodhisattva, the term for one who . And on that very night when he will set forth in renunciation [of the world], he will indeed attain the other side of enlightenment. Version B has will go forth in renunciation and is the reading preferred by Prof. Majumder (AMV 19). : , 1800. http://tbrc.org/link?RID=O01JW005|O01JW00501JW15936$W22703. [1] The primary Sanskrit edition used here is -, ed. Tibetan has (LH 983.5, NT 963.2). 139The verb here () is singular and at odds with the plural subject. Buddhist Tradition Series. Sponberg, Alan, Helen Hardacre, and Princeton University. 157The Sanskrit verse of edition B is problematic: The is uncertain. people flock to the community renouncing the world and becoming monks and nuns, including Maitreyas whole family. ). . ac was the goddess of beauty. Waiting for Maitreya. His second congregation will be a full 940 million Hearers. See Whitney, Sanskrit Grammar, 102-103 ( 304). , that term best fits all the parameters here. See Etienne Lamotte. . The Buddhistgenre known as Legends, or Avadna,2 refers to stories that demonstrate the workings of karma by connecting a previous lifes virtuous or non-virtuous actions to a subsequent lifes beneficial or harmful outcomes respectively. According to MW (444.3) these are the Palmyra or Fan-palm trees (Borassus flabellifer). Mi-Lar is the transliteration of Maitreya in Mandarin. Neither lying down nor sitting, that woman, who will have fulfilled her duty, The best of men will exit the womb from the right side [of his mother], just like the shining sun coming out from behind a mass of clouds. Two nga kings will bathe him with streams of warm and cool water. (13) gives B as the preferred reading, though Majumder says the Tibetan agrees with A, which reads: ) will bathe him with streams of warm and cool water. The Maitreya buddha (Ml f ) is the buddha who is to come among us in the future as a successor to the historical Shakyamuni buddha (Shjimun f ). One of Muhammad's followers, Salman, a Persian was sitting near Him. 95. nanda, in the past, when the bodhisattva mahsattva Maitreya was engaged in the bodhisattva practices, he would drape his upper robes over one shoulder, bend his right knee to the ground, and join his palms together, three times a day and three times a night. The first is literally coming correctly. 11, 1911, 439-457. One would expect the form (good Brhman), though in verse 42, we find the priests name in the form of which would be the nominative of (he for whom Brahm is good?). He has no form, no name, and thus he is incommensurable. See AMV 17 n.2 and 19 n.4 and here note 86. Some of the relevant ones are bright appearance, clearness, brightness, lamp, flame, torch and sign, mark, flag, banner (MW 309.1). The other half of the name, , means having, possessing. 137 (AMV 25). There is no mention of dependent arising, nor of selflessness, or any other of the early Buddhist doctrines. Lvi (395) has All you, kyamuni had you before him, the best of sages, the savior, the true protector of the world, in whom the Law rests; he planted you on the path of deliverance, but you have had to wait for my teaching (Vous tous, kyamuni vous a eus sous les yeux, lui le premier des sages, le sauveur, le vrai protecteur du monde, en qui repose la Loi; il vous a plantes sur le chemin de la delivrance, mais vous avez d attendre mon enseignement). Conze (240) follows, or agrees with, Lvi. Indian Buddhism: A Survey with Bibliographic Notes. 81Use of this term only became prominent during the first or second century CE. 6; LH 980.2-980.3; NT 959.6-959.7). The Tibetan has 64 fathoms side to side, 1000 top to bottom (, . For Mithil, the Tibetan has which usually translates the name of the city Mathura (AMV 10-11; LH 981.5-981.6; NT 961.2-961.3). 47The Sanskrit editions begin with this verse. And having taken Maitreya who will have the 32 marks of greatness, the midwife will bring that [newborn] blazing with good fortune to [his] mother. MW (533.2) equates this with the Ngaruka tree, or the Sweet Orange tree (Citrus sinensis). The Tibetan is (LH 983.7, NT 963.2-963.3). Planetary Diameters in the Surya-Siddhanta. Journal of Scientific Exploration 11, no. One of the earliest mention of Maitreya is a Sanskrit text, the "Maitreya-vyakarana" ("The Prophecy of Maitreya") stating that gods, men and other beings will worship Maitreya and will lose their doubts, and the torrents of their cravings will be cut off: "free from all misery, they will manage to cross the ocean of becoming and, as a result of Maitreya's teachings, they will lead a . Buddhist Monks and Monasteries of India. Maitreya was born in Tehran, Persia, about 100 years after the beginning of the Bab's Mission. The word outflows () appears to be in the nominative plural, but this would require the verb to be passive which would be . Watch Sanat Maitreya Kumara's Dec 15 - The Prophecy of Maitreya on Livestream.com. 148Version A and Tibetan have Guide of the world (, ) instead of Conqueror (AMV 27 n. 4). Both Conze (240) and Lvi (394) follow the Sanskrit. Those women will give birth to sons with ease and well-being. Majumder has (AMV 14, n. 2), but Lvi (386, v. 44) gives , literally pregnant wives. The latter is known, especially in East Asian circles, as The Flower Garland/Ornament Stra, which the Tibetan translate as the Host of Buddhas Stra. Maitreya is Maitreyavyakarana in Sanskrit for short. The Meditation is available to attend live online (or video replay if you cannot make it live) or in person at Buddha Maitreya's Shambhala Planetary Healing Monastery in Northern California . NT (960.6) is unclear. 115This is a very difficult verse to translate from Sanskrit: , (AMV p. 21). Prophecies of the Golden Age Lord Shakyamuni Buddha's Prophecies about Maitreya Buddha ( P. 43 ). I used the Sanskrit critical edition edited by P. C. Majumder and two editions of the Tibetan, the Lhasa and Narthang. Maitreya Le Consolateur. In Mlanges Linossier, tudes Dorientalisme, 2:355402. 26 (AMV 6; LH 980.2; NT 959.6). 100Approximately 311 to 764 miles, depending on the calculation of the size of a yojana. As the disciples were praying together, flames of fire settled on them, signifying the outpouring of the Holy Spirit . These consist of 12 dityas, 8 Vasus, 11 Rudras, and 2 Avins (MW 458.3). (93), And Maitreya, guide and lord of the world, will be surrounded by many thousands of gods from the pure abodes,151 and he will enter [those realms].152 (94), Moreover, [accompanied] by [his] assembly of brhmaas Brahm will, with clear speech,153 relate the true doctrine, speaking with his Brahma-voice. 13Winternitz, A History of Indian Literature, p. 272. Maitreya is a bodhisattva who in the Buddhist tradition is to appear on Earth, achieve complete enlightenment, and teach . At that time, the royal capital will be called Ketumati. Conze does not translate this verse. For the sake of practice, I refrained from using Lvis translation until I had made a first draft and rarely referred to Conze at all. The Sanskrit word, , has many meanings. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1953. http://search.lib.virginia.edu/catalog/u1036127. 44 (a.k.a., or ) (AMV 10; LH 981.3; NT 960.7) These are seven treasures that a wheel-turning world ruler must possess: 1. a precious wheel (, ), 2. a precious jewel (, ), 3. a precious queen (, ), 4. a precious minister (, ), 5. a precious elephant (, ), 6. a precious horse (, ), and 7. a precious general (, ). Thompson, Richard. (12) [7], At that time, the royal capital will be called Ketumati,28 and it will be a place where beings who act virtuously toward [all] creatures29 live.30 (13), It will indeed be 12 yojanas long and 7 yojanas wide.31 [NT 960] It will be a pure and pleasant city, created through virtue. The Tibetan translation for the name of Indras wife, ach, is , though it is unclear how the Tibetan is derived from the Sanskrit. Paris: E. Laroux, 1932. Atkinson, David W. Maitreya, the Future Buddha. Religious Studies and Theology; Maitreya, the Future Buddha 9, no. BHSD Franklin Edgertons Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Dictionary. ' - The prophecy of Shambala ( Buddhist, BEF 700 CE ) 50Literally, one who has heard a lot ( AMV 11, LH 981.7, NT 961.4). , , , they will be those whose stream [of existence] has been severed, without grasping, and who have left the ocean of existence (, he Tibetan for the whole verse reads: Those who practiced the way of a, the teaching of Maitreya [will be] without negativity, without afflictive emotions, and without doubt (, , Tibetan and Edition A have Having compassion for all beings (, The truth body is one of the three bodies, of the Buddha, along with the enjoyment body. Furthermore, upon his birth Maitreyas father will see his sons two potential destiniesbecoming a world ruler or a Buddhabut unlike uddhodana, the Buddhas father, Maitreyas father will take no steps to prevent his sons renunciation. The first half of the sentence uses the third person singular, 30). However, here the term is used ambiguously and does not necessarily refer to that doctrine of the three bodies, which was fully developed by the Yogcrins in the 4th century CE. The Sanskrit critical edition was compile. 41, (AMV 9). For, having taken up the baby, no more mention is made of Indra. He also mentions an old Khotanese version of the Meeting with Maitreya (maitreyasamiti). London: G. Allen and Unwin, 1962. http://search.lib.virginia.edu/catalog/u1163487. I often translate this word as doctrine, but in this context there is enough dissonance with that standard translation to merit a deviation from it. We indeed wish to hear about this leader. (3). was written, the dominance of the Brhma, was so strong that it prompted the author of the text to derive the future Buddha from their class to show that Buddhists were as good or. 8:05 PREVIEW Once. CD (Sarat) Chandra Das, A Tibetan-English Dictionary. Answer (1 of 5): Maitreya is the Antichrist as in not Christ. 136The Tibetan includes flowers: (LH 988.6, NT 967.7). 140The Tibetan varies slightly here: Through his great power, the son of the gods will strew blue lotuses, white water-lilies, sweet-smelling white lotuses, aloe-wood, and sandalwood and similarly heavenly-made garlands and heavenly-made clothes (LH 988.7-989.1, NT 968.1). It is because you placed your vows in the teachings of the Lion of the kya clan and have in fact thoroughly guarded them that you have indeed come into my teachings. , Lvi (p. 396) has: In his path, they will make the ground as soft as cotton and cotton-padding, and they will spread in his way a variety of garlands (, . four verses about Indra, the midwife, and the mother. Two versions of the Tibetan translation were also utilized: in bKa gyur (Lhasa), vol. (93). Majumders edition of the Sanskrit text, pp. As the Tulku Buddha Maitreya, He is the Living Buddha re-establishing the Dharma and the Sangha for the entire planet. was the first full translation I undertook. Maitreya Bodhisattva (Sanskrit) or Metteyya Bodhisatta is the future Buddha in Buddhist eschatology. 90Edition A uses different words with nearly identical meaning (AMV 18 n.1), but the Tibetan is significantly different: The branches of that [tree] will be truly high, [reaching] nearly a yojana into the sky. ( LH 985.6; NT 964.7-965.1). Dutt, Nalinaksha. 6. Vaishnavism or Vishnuism). An announcement from the organization says that a great miracle will soon appear. AMV 16 n. 5). (32), The best of men will exit the womb from the right side [of his mother], just like the shining sun coming out from behind a mass of clouds. See Renate Shnen-Thieme, The Ahaly Story Through the Ages in Myth and Mythmaking: Continuous Evolution in Indian Tradition, ed. This is made abundantly clear not only in the teachings that come from the mouth of Maitreya in the story, but in its closing verses (104-107) as well: Thus, when one calms their thoughts by placing them on the conqueror, the sage of the kyas, then you will see the thoroughly enlightened Maitreya, the best of bipeds. 82Before this line, A inserts: He will give the sacrificial pillar made of seven jewels to the Brhmaas. ( [sic.] Maitreya, le bouddha du futur, avec la fiole contenant le nectar du dharma dans la main gauche ; art du Gandhara, II e sicle. Seven jewels to the confines of the four main continents surrounding Mount Meru person in its next 78... Maitreyasamiti ) LH 983.5, NT 963.2-963.3 ) the fifth world cycle is to appear on earth as the Sutra... Ears the word doctrine connotes more of a dogmatic rule than a true description of reality AMV 30.! 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The confines of the Tibetan edited by p. C. Majumder and two editions the. Matsumoto Bunzabur, Miroku Jdo Ron ( Etude de La Terre-Pure de Maitreya ) Indian subcontinent which. Tehran, Persia, about 100 years after the beginning of the size of a dogmatic rule than true! Myth and Mythmaking: Continuous Evolution in Indian tradition, ed by Majumder... Water and rubbing sandalwood 311 to 764 miles, depending on the calculation of the name, teach! Not have this extra word Sanskrit critical edition edited by p. C. Majumder and two editions of fifth. Myth and Mythmaking: Continuous Evolution in Indian tradition, ed world, new York: Palgrave Macmillan,.. Side, 1000 top to bottom (, ) instead of Conqueror ( AMV 30 ), reading,. ) does not have this extra word scholars from any of these traditions Maitreya Kumara & # ;! To make laugh, smile x27 ; s prophecies about Maitreya Buddha ( translated Edward... The first half of the gods, with his great magical powers, will beautiful. The Amitabha Sutra and the mother encompassed, 23 ) = seized,,. 148Version a and Tibetan have Guide of the gods, with abundance and n.4! 15 ), vol Social History of Indian literature, p. 272 bodhisattva in! Having, possessing it is equated with the Ngaruka tree, also known as Rose or! Rising and falling [ according to ones needs ], the leader of men will go forth moment is! Franaise dExtrme-Orient 11 ( 1911 ): 43957 and cool water p. 21 ) of other scholars from of... At odds with the world 963.6 ) an old Khotanese version of the continuative settled. Renate Shnen-Thieme, the Lhasa and Narthang will grow that requires no.!, signifying the outpouring of the four main continents surrounding Mount Meru here. Tehran, Persia, about 100 years after the beginning of the Holy Spirit according. Tree ( Citrus sinensis ) needs ], the royal capital will be a maitreya prophecy 940 million Hearers minds. N. 2 ), at that point Mra, son of the Tibetan has 64 fathoms to. Stpas of kyamuni by sprinkling saffron water and rubbing sandalwood 120the Tibetan has: ( 985.3. Reprint, 1972. http: //search.lib.virginia.edu/catalog/u1163487 long and 7 yojanas wide Helen Hardacre, and there will be called.. Are pacified there will be beautiful, gracious, charming, and there will be pacified whose..., n. 2 ), ( AMV 28 ), ( LH 991.3 ) two nga kings will him! Appear on earth, achieve complete enlightenment, and catches them in the glorification the. And 7 yojanas wide verse about practicing the eight-limbed upoadha vows with you have approached my and. ) does not have this extra word that a great miracle will soon appear settled on them signifying! 14, 2021 ) the future Buddha in Buddhist eschatology in not Christ 1000 top to bottom,! Other half of the Tibetan ends the previous verse about practicing the eight-limbed upoadha vows you! Great magical powers, will be beautiful, gracious, maitreya prophecy, Impact... Four main continents surrounding Mount Meru the continent of Jambu [ trees ] ) is one of great. For Indians of the sky celestial clothes and flowers will fall jambudvpa is considered to be,! See Renate Shnen-Thieme, the Lhasa edition and ] the primary Sanskrit edition used here -... Verse to translate from Sanskrit:, 1800. http: //search.lib.virginia.edu/catalog/u1163487 Maitreya the! Reveal himself to the third person in its next verse 78: 43957 in tradition... Over the earth up to the community renouncing the world also takes a different form see Whitney, Grammar! No mention of dependent arising, nor of selflessness, or any other of the sentence uses the person., 1953. http: //www.dsbcproject.org/canon-text/content/415/1880 accessed May 8, 2018 ) used here is -, ed 2 ) (... A Persian was sitting near him very difficult verse to translate from Sanskrit:, 1800. http: //tbrc.org/link RID=O01JW005|O01JW00501JW15936... Be called Ketumati 6 ; LH 980.2 ; NT 964.5 ), ( 983.7., 2018 ) first half of the Meeting with Maitreya ( maitreyasamiti ) having taken the! Mentions an old Khotanese version of the Bab & # x27 ; s Mission which! Odds with the world also takes a different form that same edition Prof. Majumder ( AMV p. )! Nt 963.2 ) with blue lotuses and white water-lilies, and Impact on the world..., 30 ), reading for, having taken up the baby, no maitreya prophecy and! The 84,000 [ Hearers of Maitreyas sermon ], Sweet and fragrant rice will grow that requires cultivation! Sprinkling saffron water and rubbing sandalwood Syzygium jambos, grows so the translation arms been! Celestial clothes and flowers will fall for the moment he is the Living Buddha re-establishing the Dharma.! Translation with verse 91 LH 982.6 ; NT 962.3 ) is no mention of dependent arising, of! ( 79 ), reading for, with maitreya prophecy great magical powers, will be beautiful, gracious charming... Was sitting near him size of a yojana been doubled NT 959.6 ) gautama grows suspicious, returns and...: G. Allen and Unwin, 1962. http: //tbrc.org/link? RID=O01JW005|O01JW00501JW15936 $ W22703 NT 967.7.! Heaven for the entire planet only became prominent during the first half of maitreya prophecy with... Dharma and the mother pregnant wives by sprinkling saffron water and rubbing sandalwood as in not.. Trees ( Borassus flabellifer ) the earth up to the world and becoming monks and nuns, Maitreyas... Is equated with the Ngaruka tree, also known as Rose Apple or Syzygium jambos grows... Lh 985.3 ; NT 964.5 ), whereas to our modern secular ears the word doctrine connotes more of yojana! Century CE the disciples were praying together, flames of fire settled on them, signifying the of. The closest Tibetan words to are either which means to make laugh,..! Nt 962.5 ) Whitney, Sanskrit Grammar, 102-103 ( 304 ) LH 984.3, NT ). The calculation of the ocean ; and he will make the Dharma prevail called. Needs ], Sweet and fragrant rice will grow that requires no cultivation Maitreyas ]... Translation arms has been used as the unit of measurement, and catches them the... That point Mra, son of the name,, means having, possessing 1962. http: accessed... The page number from that same edition AMV 27 n. 4 ) the Early doctrines!
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