53investigator's handbookPeriod Names Choose or roll 1D100 twice: first roll for either a male or female first name; second roll for a last name.Male Names Female Names Surnames Male Names Female Names Surnames1 Aaron Adele Abraham 26 Emanuel Cordelia Fandrick2 Abraham Agatha Adler 27 Emmet Cynthia Farwell3 Addison Agnes Ankins 28 Enoch Daisy Feigel4 Amos Albertina Avery 29 Ephraim Dolores Felten5 Anderson Almeda Barnham 30 Everett Doris Fenske6 Archibald Amelia Bentz 31 Ezekiel Edith Fillman7 August Anastasia Bessler 32 Forest Edna Finley8 Barnabas Annabelle Blakely 33 Gilbert Eloise Firske9 Barney Asenath Bleeker 34 Granville Elsie Flanagan10 Baxter Augusta Bouche 35 Gustaf Estelle Franklin11 Blair Barbara Bretz 36 Hampton Ethel Freeman12 Caleb Bernadette Brock 37 Harmon Eudora Frisbe13 Cecil Bernice Buchman 38 Henderson Eugenie Gore14 Chester Beryl Butts 39 Herman Eunice Greenwald15 Clifford Beulah Caffey 40 Hilliard Florence Hahn16 Clinton Camilla Click 41 Howard Frieda Hammermeister17 Cornelius Carmen Cordova 42 Hudson Genevieve Heminger18 Curtis Caroline Crabtree 43 Irvin Gertrude Hogue19 Dayton Cecilia Crankovitch 44 Issac Gladys Hollister20 Delbert Celeste Cuthburt 45 Jackson Gretchen Kasper21 Douglas Charity Cuttling 46 Jacob Hannah Kisro22 Dudley Christina Dorman 47 Jeremiah Henrietta Kleeman23 Ernest Clarissa Eakley 48 Jonah Hoshea Lake24 Eldridge Claudia Eddie 49 Josiah Ingrid Levard25 Elijah Constance Elsner4. they raise crops or livestock, or who is employed to do the same. Roll twice for a Luck and use the higher PDF investigator sheet then you can drop an value. Some are restricteda need for technically trained mechanics, radio operators, to certain territories; however others are free to roam andair controllers, etc. Accounting (05%) Acting (05%)see Art/Craft Animal Handling (05%) [Uncommon] Anthropology (01%) Appraise (05%) Archaeology (01%) Art and Craft (05%) [Specializations] Artillery (01%) [Uncommon] Astronomy (01%)see Science Axe (15%)see Fighting Biology (01%)see Science Botany (01%)see Science 97investigator's handbookDisguise (05%) Psychoanalysis (01%)Diving (01%) Psychology (10%)Dodge (half DEX) Read Lips (01%) [Uncommon]Drive Auto (20%) Ride (05%)Electrical Repair (10%) Rifle (25%)see FirearmsElectronics (01%) [Modern] Science (01%) [Specializations]Fast Talk (05%) Shotgun (25%)see Firearms (Rifle/Shotgun)Fighting (varies) [Specializations] Sleight of Hand (10%)Fine Art (05%)see Art and Craft Spear (20%)see Firearms (or Throw)Firearms (varies) [Specializations] Spot Hidden (25%)First Aid (30%) Stealth (20%)Flail (10%)see Fighting Submachine Gun (15%)see FirearmsFlamethrower (10%)see Firearms Survival (10%) [Specializations]Forensics (05%)see Science Sword (20%)see FightingForgery (01%)see Art and Craft Swim (20%)Garrote (15%)see Fighting Throw (20%)Geology (01%)see Science Track (10%)Handgun (20%)see Firearms Whip (05%)see FightingHeavy Weapons (10%)see Firearms Zoology (01%)see ScienceHistory (05%)Hypnosis (01%) [Uncommon] Accounting (05%)Intimidate (15%)Jump (20%) Grants understanding of accountancy procedures andLanguage (Other) (01%) [Specializations] reveals the financial functioning of a business or person.Language (Own) (EDU) Inspecting the books, one might detect cheated employees,Law (05%) siphoned-off funds, payment of bribes or blackmail, andLibrary Use (20%) whether the financial condition is better or worse thanListen (20%) claimed. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + (DEX x 2 or STR x 2) Skills: Accounting, First Aid, Other Language (Latin), Library Use, one interpersonal skill (Charm, Fast Credit Rating: 520 Talk, Intimidate or Persuade), Psychology, Science (Pharmacy), (Chemistry). tsmaamoaknsniaakeldldcscsLhheefE,aalioeelatnricevennitcrecratd,tairthchlitcciHheosaatemantculaarrdrbseRvsbkieseenieu.nyblpeeleodatc.ttiaihrrsMtTitmccerheaoomcuemllh,slp.tapsitotbnasOeerimtcenshatdueoelcticRoKsreroeeseblbpesplofpoaautteiihihlsrrrThe latitude for what could justify a pushed roll is wide, safIiwauiodtfgrnncihascchttdlieeoeynenNaeErs1dgbtolwmo0eailotncle%ieaEttnrghikrlentseibihstccnksottaetkMhgoitrllihieilolRmcemlinlawscenaphlepaotsoatakbudiRernmeioilrtredcita.ucpehetnHabwxalrtclMeaioiaoersmRlrn,elceoseechapdufhphonaluciuaueasndcc.isnseercliHcsicydencsohaagiaotmnvaiorflseandvpsR1euc1asr%eteyci0orhpncilh%e.aenolgnsasiflg,.sresand should be best determined by actions, motivations andevents within the game. black market and legitimate buyers. On inspecting a site, the userceremony, rite, etc. you should have died in 6. Skills: Climb, Geology, Jump, Mechanical Repair, Oper-Laboratory Assistant ate Heavy Machinery, Stealth, Spot Hidden, any one other skill as a personal or era specialty.Working in a scientific environment, the assistant (or tech-nician) performs laboratory and administrative tasks under Lawyerthe supervision of a lead scientist. This affords him an average living stan-ease of play, no record keeping is required. Adjust the following for the investigator:S Choose a starting age of 30 or over.S Deduct 1D10 from SAN.S Add a Phobia/Mania associated with medical experience to the investigators backstory.S Add 60 bonus skill points divided amongst any of the following skills: First Aid, Law, Listen, Medicine, Psychology, Spot Hidden, Science (any two).S Note on the investigator sheet: Immune to sanity losses resulting from viewing a corpse or gross injury.Mythos Experience Package aAddphtoothoegrraCpthhueuprlhmduraiMvyicnyatghphotuesrrsekmiilmalda!gaens dthmatamy eanydThe investigator has knowledge of the Cthulhu Mythos,either in an academic sense or through tangible experience. medical workers, law enforce- ment. to be like them, you seek to be with them, you seek to make them happy). ally taking in stolen goods and then selling them on to other criminals or (unwitting) legitimate customers. Skills: Accounting, Law, Library Use, Lis- Skills: Art/Craft (Acting), Disguise, Fighting, History, ten, Persuade, Spot Hidden, any two other two interpersonal skills (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimi- date or Persuade), Psychology, any one other skill as skills as personal or era specialties (e.g. Rating range for the profession should also be assigned.Sample Occupations List of OccupationsThe occupations listed are just a sample of the possibilities. Credit Rating: 920Drifter Suggested Contacts: Customers, businesses, law en-As opposed to someone who is poverty-stricken, the drifters forcement and general street level life.wandering life is chosen, perhaps compensating for a social,philosophical or economic lack, or perhaps taken due to a Skills: Accounting, Drive Auto, Listen, one interpersonaldesire to break free of societal constraints. Everything in the story is open to the Keeper to do with as he or she desires, except for the investigators key con- 5. In the 1920s, the theatrical center of the U.S. is in NewYork City, although there are major stages in most citiesacross the country. A place for socializing (e.g. This also lends more value to APP 90 18in the game. Often driven by circum- may resort to subterfuge to gain the information they want.stance, many dream of a way out. Credit Rating: 5099 Less extreme deprogrammers exist, who work with Suggested Contacts: Variable, but usually people of athose who have voluntarily left a cult. the following skills: Climb, Drive Auto, Fighting (Brawl), Firearms (Handgun or Rifle/Shotgun), First Aid, Intimidate, Law, Listen, Other Language, any two interpersonal skills (Charm, Fast Talk, Persuade or Intimidate), Track. try to solve homicides, major burglaries and other felonies. Fashions in names change over Cash and Assetsthe decades, and certain names may fit one historical periodand setting better than others. Refer to the spending levels below if thepoor lone pickpocket to stay in moderately priced hotels. Cash is readily available Deciding on an investigator name isnt always easy, so to the investigator, whereas wealth that is tied up in assetsfor inspiration see Period Names Table (page @@). The work might include making travel arrangements, networks, often working alongside other office staff (suchmanaging their employers diary and organizing household as project managers) to ensure systems maintain integrityfinances. Sometimes nick- art, journalism and wildlife conservation. The place you met your first love (e.g. Usually self-employed, but may be the managerrunning the shop on behalf of the owner. Take Shotguns: Do three levels of damage depending on theirminimum damage on following round. Itsnot essential to have an entry for each category, but the more makes it personal and meaningful.you are able to define, the more your investigator comes tolife. reactions in the viewerperhaps only the most decadent could appreciate it.Art and Craft (Specializations) (05%) Examples of Art and Craft SpecializationsThe investigator sheet contains blank spaces for specializa- Acting (05%): The performer is trained in theatrical and/tions of this skill, for example: or film acting (in the modern era, this may also include television), able to adopt a persona, memorize scripts andActing Barber Carpenter utilize stage/movie make-up to alter their appearance. What? year of the scenario. agency. Upload PDF to create a flipbook like Call of Cthulhu 7e - Investigator Handbook (Pre-Release) (2014) (Ingles) now. Name the Think about their education. A non-player character (NPC) in the game. Ultimately the with their father and brothers, or Its not essential to create an investigators only connections to perhaps the investigator bought a elaborate family tree with detailed the world are madness and pain. Driver Skills: First Aid, Medicine, Other Language (Latin), Psychology, Science (Biology and Pharmacy), any Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + (DEX x 2 or STR x 2) two other skills as academic or personal specialties. common. Principally Skills: Dodge, Fighting or Firearms, First Aid or Natural a middleman between thieves and buyers, the fence either World, Jump, Ride, Survival (any), Throw, Track. parish church, Mecca, Stonehenge). In such cases the similar background and tastes, fraternal organiza-deprogrammer effectively acts as an exit counselor. drugs, violence, racism). You wish to prove yourself better than them. A hacker fights the occult through Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + use of technology (DEX x 2 or STR x 2) 74chapter 4: occupations Credit Rating: 920 simple affairs, transactions requiring only one con man and no more than a few minutes. Harvey begins the game with a Credit Rating of 41Spending Level: This is an arbitrary amount below which, for (Average). The player is encouraged to choose a form of attack Conclusionthat fits the situation rather than tactically using their high-est skill. How? and coverage. while under cover. Enlistments are for a fixed number of many items that be offered door-to-door.yearsin the U.S. Navy this is usually four years of activeduty followed by two years of inactive reserve commitment, Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + APP x 2during which time the sailor can be called to serve in timesof national emergency. Suggested Contacts: Advertising, media, furnishings, architectural, other. Europe. you didnt step up and help them when you had the chance). Professional boxers and wrestlers are managed by indi- viduals (promoters) possibly backed by outside interests, Although the great white hunter is the quintessential and usually locked into contracts. (e.g. Skills: Accounting, Art/Craft (Typing or Short Hand), two interpersonal skills (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimi- While information gathering and counter intelligence date or Persuade), Own Language, Library Use or comprise the key work of a spy, other tasks may be per- Computer Use, Psychology, any one other skill as a formed, such as recruiting moles or carrying out state- personal or era specialty. Roll twice for a Luck and use the higher PDF investigator sheet . Aside from a few doctors andnurses, they employ a large number of attendants, often Skills: Art (Literature), History, Library Use, Naturalchosen more for their strength and size rather than medical World or Occult, Other Language, Own Language,learning. Althoughtimes, the librarian is also a keeper of electronic media and technically at the bottom of the officers list of ranks, thedatabases. The same cultist would have CON 12 +STR 20 DEX 60 INT 85 CON 70 SIZ 13, averaged to 12.5 and rounded up to 13 hit points.APP 85 POW 45 SIZ 80 EDU 80 Thus, some enemies and non-player characters may have 1 hit point less in 7th edition than in previous edi- tions. Where points were spent in a skill that no longer exists, these points should be recorded in a Skill Pool, for later distribution. country and abroad. Web. Much of darkest Africa is still unexplored, as are great portions of the Matto Grosso in South America, the great Suggested Contacts: Political operatives, government, Australian desert, the Sahara and Arabian deserts, and much news media, business, foreign governments, pos- of the Asian interior. While some used scien-long hours in close proximity with the animals in their care. Chaosium site has the quick start guide, with a scenario written and some pdf sheets on the site. 4. Forensic Surgeon Skills: Climb, Dodge, Drive Auto, First A highly specialized occupation, most forensic surgeons are Aid, Jump, Mechanical Repair, employed by a city, county or state to conduct autopsies, Operate Heavy Machinery, Throw. phasize its personal nature. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + (DEX x 2 or STR x 2) Many origins are given for the name flapperit most Credit Rating: 930 likely dates back to the early years of the 1920s, when it became fashionable to wear rubber galoshes left unbuckled Suggested Contacts: Local bank, local Politicians, state to flap while walking: however it equally could derive from agricultural department. The highest enlisted rank is Chief Petty seek out prospects wherever they might be found. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + (DEX x 2 or STR x 2) Scientists are employed by businesses and universities to carry out research. with criminal experience. Some are mainly office-based, working telephones toSailor contact potential clients, while others travel between com- munities to sell their wares door-to-door.Sailors may be military or commercial. Often these jobs are part-time, pay- show what they do best and love the consequent applause.ing but small compensation. of like, use despise instead of dislike. (e.g. stole money from them, informed 10. the office, library, bank). Skills: First Aid, Listen, Medicine, one interpersonalMuseum Curator skill (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate or Persuade), Psychology, Science (Biology), (Chemistry), SpotA museum curator can be responsible for a large facility like Hidden.a university or other publicly funded institution, or any sortof smaller museum, often specializing in local geology or Occultistother such topic. Upon graduation thecadet is promoted to the rank of Army or Marine Second Mountain climbing as a sport became popular in the 19thLieutenant or Naval Ensign, and assigned to a station. are similar to soldiers in background, training and skills. Modern-day reporters might also work freelance or be em- Skills: Drive Auto, Fighting (Brawl), Firearms, Law, Per- ployed to file reports for a television network, an Internet suade, Stealth, Spot Hidden, any one other skill as a news provider or international news agency. Otherwise, figure yourinvestigators wealth according to their Credit Rating score.260, chapter 10: referencefitting. towards their legs or feet. A fortunate few might get Suggested Contacts: Libraries, occult societies or frater-regular work, such as playing a piano in a bar or hotel or nities, other occultists.within a city orchestra. takes a cut of the profit or, more usually, buys the stolen goods at a very low price.Craftsperson Forgers are the artists of the criminal world, specializ-May be equally termed an artisan or master craftsperson. Others are employed in the newspaper, media and film industries.Parapsychologists do not pretend to enjoy extraordinarypowers, but instead spend their efforts attempting to The elite of photographers are drawn from the worlds ofobserve, record and study such instances. Search. Working alone or in a team, they Intimidate, Locksmith, Operatedescend on wealthy individuals or com- Heavy Machinery, any one other skillmunities, fleecing their targets of their as personal or era specialty.hard-earned savings. Some artists personal or era specialty.care not for material enrichment, while others have a keenentrepreneurial streak. Whether your appearance and yourther roll on the tables or simply pick ones that seem suitable, personality match is another question; a person may lookor just use the lists for inspiration. Larger corporations may also employ such academ- Psychoanalysis, Psychology, Science (Biology),ics for research and product development. Freelance thugs Bank Robbermight work as muggers, stickup men Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 +and armed robbers. Basic weapons, such as clubs and knives, are now in- The aim of this new edition is to retain the aspects that madecluded in the Fighting (Brawl) skill. 9. In the 1920s the profession is made illegal by the Prohi- Skills: Dodge, Fighting (Brawl), First Aid, two inter- bition Act; however, theres no shortage of work for a bar- personal skill (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate or tender, as someone has to serve the drinks in the speakeasies Persuade), Listen, Psychology, Stealth. Most of Lovecrafts stories take place in New England. Many follow strict codes of be- havior. Pick one or choose randomly. other skill as personal or era specialty. Normally quite talented individu- fake ID for petty criminals, while the best engrave plates forals, some gaining a high reputation for works of art, while counterfeiting currency.others provide a needed community service. LAW: Light Antitank Weapon, disposable.Malfunction (Mal): if die roll result equal to or higher thanthe firing weapons malfunction number, the shooter does Mace spray: Do not use the point-blank range rule for thisnot merely missthe weapon does not fire. Although technically outranked by universities, their employers and former employers. personal skills (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate or Persuade), Psychology, Spot Hidden, any one other skill as personal or era specialty. the player can choose any skill befitting their character, their motivations and view occupation, era or character concept. or 1920s era specialties. skill (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate or Persuade), Stealth, any two other skills as personal or era spe- Editor cialties. (e.g. 2. Suggested Contacts: Street-level crime, police, busi- nesses and residents of the same ethnic community. Credit Rating: 50-90. Think ofa name for these places. A fellow investigator in your game. Carpenters, stonemasons, plumbers, electricians, mill- or from another branch of faith, such as the Church of thewrights, mechanics, and others all qualify as skilled trades. Suggested Contacts: While the majority of followers will be regular people, the more charismatic the leader, the greater the possibility of celebrity followers, 76chapter 4: occupations such as movie stars and rich widows. 71investigator's handbookmany try and go it alone, working out of their house or a Athletesmall office. P. Lovecraft, The Case Of Charles Dexter WardStep Four: Create a Most of the ideas and abilities that make an investigatorBackstory interesting and fun to play are a matter of choicenot nec- essarily dice roll results. Small-town mayors and township dian, juggler, musician or anyone else who earns a living insupervisors find their influence extends little beyond their front of an audience. 4. 6th edition Archie has Rifle 40% and Shotgun 70%. Your family home (e.g. A chauffeur is either directly employed by an individualor firm, or works for an agency that hires both car and chauf- Skills: Accounting, History, Own Language, two inter-feur out for single engagements or on a retainer basis. The best investigative journalists report, but keep them- selves independent of the corruption and self-serving they Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + (APP x 2 or DEX x 2) witness. possessions such as a house and a car are also indicated by the Credit Rating score. Forensic surgeons are often called toFlapper [Classic] give testimony at criminal proceedings.Being a flapper is a state of Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4mind rather than an oc-cupation, although some Credit Rating: 40-60.dilettantes have raised it toa fine art. Corre- Skill percentages are not proportions of what is hypo- sponds with a masters degree or Ph.D.thetically knowable. enforcement. chemicals and drugs. Typically an interpersonal skill (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate or author might spend months or years researching in prepa- Persuade), Other Language, Psychology, Spot Hid- ration for a book, then withdrawing for periods of intense den, any two other skills as personal or era special- creation. For example, expenses so long as an investigators spendingcriminal could be used Accommodation: an average home or apart- falls within the bounds of his or her living stan-as a profession for a ment, either rented or privately owned. ogy, Sleight of hand, Stealth, any one other skill as a personal or era specialty. Possibly atermines the amount of second home in the country or abroad. Computer Use).Burglar Smuggler Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + DEX x 2 Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + (APP x 2 or DEX x 2) Credit Rating: 540 Suggested Contacts: Fences, other burglars. gentlemens club, local highly creative). 3. Multiply these by five for theCharacteristics full values and divide this new value by two, rounding down, for the one-half value. Also see Criminal: Bootlegger/Thug. in hiking, fishing, cross-country skiing, canoeing, climbing and camping. If an insane investigator fails a pushed roll, he or she If an insane investigator fails a pushed roll, he or shekeeps digging deeper, ever deeperthe truth is down there creates a transgressive work that shocks and causes violentsomewhere. play, requiring you to constantly referWhat level of education does their to the investigator sheet to check person or place, identify the itemEDU characteristic determine? Further entries may be added or existing ones altered Think about historic events and whether your investiga-during play. Probably plays in a professional baseball, football, cricket or basketball team. The Investigator Handbook is an essential player's aid for the Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition roleplaying game.Written for those who will be playing the roles of investigators, the Investigator Handbook contains expanded rules for creating players characters, a wealth of over 100 occupations and skill descriptions, as well as guidance on getting the most from the game. Amateur boxing competitions abound, a training ground for those aspiring to professional status. In moderntenance of computer systems and times some ranches have opened their gates to holidaymakers wishing to experience life as a cowboy. Good Cook (e.g. 55investigator's handbook 8. tor was a part of them. The Investigator Handbook is an essential player's aid for the Call of Cthulhu 7th edition roleplaying game Written for those who will be playing the roles of investigators, the Investigator Handbook contains expanded rules for creating players characters, a wealth of over 100 occupations and skill descriptions, as. Skills: Accounting, two interpersonal skills (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate or Persuade), Electrical Repair, Lis- Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 ten, Mechanical Repair, Psychology, Spot Hidden. success with a shotgun blast at close range will do 24 damage!1B, 2B: 1 barrel, 2 barrels. In each of thesenamed ghost hunters, they make use of technology to try arenas a photographer may find fame, recognition andto capture hard evidence of paranormal activity that may financial reward.be centered on a person or a location. The method you use is secondary to this, Allocate the characteristic values as you wish among theand different groups will agree on different methods. This level of wealth affords great luxury and(see Credit Rating in Accommodation: restricted to the cheapest comfort.Chapter 5: Skills). Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + APP x 2 Hospital Orderly Credit Rating: 40-90 The typical hospital orderly is in charge of emptying waste, Suggested Contacts: Upper classes and landed gentry, cleaning rooms, taxiing patients, and any other odd job politics, servants and agricultural workers. To get more targeted content, please make full-text search by clicking. Praise, vengeance, giftsand fatalities are frequent. 4. them to solve mysteries, prevent murders, locate missing people, etc.Actor Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + (STR x 2 or DEX x 2)Usually a stage or film actor. Skills: Climb or Swim, Firearms, History, Jump, Natural Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 World, Navigate, Other Language, Survival. In the 1920s, a gentlemanGangster Boss would certainly have had at least one servant (butler, valet, Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + APP x 2 chauffer) and probably a country and city residence. glars, assassins and kidnappers. tific methods, many were happy to apply brute force whenAn animal trainer can use the psychology skill with animals unveiling the secrets of the past the use of dynamite wasas well as people. The life of the roadmight seem especially American, but the same sort of life is Taxi Driverchosen wherever travel itself is not systematically dangerous. In modern times, the drug trade has overtaken otherforms of organized crime to be the most lucrative route for Gentlemanmany. Whether training guidedogs for the blind or teaching a lion to jump through a flam- In the 1920s, successful archeologists became celebrities,ing hoop, the animal trainer usually works alone, spending seen as explorers and adventurers. In nized crime. illicit products to a needy market. Ride or Fighting).about anything! All television and film work will be supervised by a evident. Skills: Art/Craft (any), two interpersonal skills (Charm, Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + STR x 2 Fast Talk, Intimidate or Persuade), Firearms (Rifle/ Shotgun), History, Other Language (any), Navigate, Credit Rating: 6-15 Ride. crime. Credit Rating on a train or ship.also indicates the general Travel: first class. Discuss with the Keeper how the investigator is awareof the Cthulhu Mythosthrough reading books or experi-enceand write this into the investigators background.If the knowledge has been gained through reading books,decide whether the investigator is a believer or not (seeBecoming a believer, page @@). their encounters with the Mythos, it may be their brother or sister who Try to phrase each entry to em- Try to present a reason why your picks up the baton in the future. concert, on holiday, a bomb shelter). Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 Skills: First Aid, Mechanical Repair, Natural World, Navigate, one interpersonal skill (Charm, Fast Talk, Credit Rating: 930 Intimidate or Persuade), Pilot (Boat), Spot Hidden, Swim. A Shotgun blast at close range will do 24 damage! 1B, 2B 1... 24 damage! 1B, 2B: 1 barrel, 2 barrels lone pickpocket to stay in priced., bank ) love the consequent applause.ing but small compensation gates to holidaymakers wishing to experience as! The same ethnic community and former employers met your first love ( e.g and other felonies create! To create a flipbook like Call of Cthulhu 7e - investigator Handbook ( Pre-Release (. Credit Rating on a train or ship.also indicates the general Travel: first class below thepoor... For material enrichment, while others have a keenentrepreneurial streak game with a written! In stolen goods and then selling them on to other criminals or ( ). 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